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How Many Hours Do Construction Workers Work? (Per Day, Per Week)

Fact checked by Andrew Carnegie

how many hours do construction workers work

By building infrastructures and homes that makeup cities and towns, without a doubt, construction workers play an essential part in society and the economy.

It is also undeniable that they have to do long hours of work, all while rendering demanding physical labor. But how many hours do construction workers work?

In this article, you will get an idea about their working hours, including the key determining factors such as the construction projects, the regulations of their working hours, and more.

How Long Do Construction Workers Work?


On average, construction workers render approximately eight (8) hours a day on the site. Working for five days would mean that they work 40 hours a week, 160 hours a month, and a total of 1,1920 hours a year.

However, these numbers depend on the specific job and location. In some areas, construction workers may work longer hours, such as 10-12 hour days, while in others, they may work fewer hours per day but more days per week.

Additionally, a construction company may determine how many days construction workers work by “personalizing” their schedule based on the type of construction project involved. For example, if a project is more complex or at a bigger scale, construction workers may be required to work longer hours.

Regulations Concerning the Number of Hours


Aside from the schedule set by the company or the demands of the job, regulations also influence the number of hours that construction workers spend on a site.

1. Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

The Fair Labor Standards Act by the United States of America’s Department of Labor requires employers to implement a 7-day work week and pay overtime to employees who work beyond 40 hours.

Additionally, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) does not have specific regulations governing the number of hours that construction workers can work. However, they do require employers to provide a safe working environment, which includes ensuring that workers are not fatigued on the job.

2.  The Working Time Regulations 1998.


In the United Kingdom, working hours are limited pursuant to The Working Time Regulations 1998. The regulations are applicable to both part-time and full-time workers.

The regulations limit the working hours to 48 hours for most workers. They require employers to give the construction workers at least 11 hours of rest between working days, as well as rest during the shifts. However, workers have the liberty should they choose to work longer hours.

3. Fair Work Act 2009

In Australia, the Fair Work Act 2009 sets out the National Employment Standards, which include rules around maximum weekly hours for construction workers.

Under the Act, a full-time employee’s maximum work hours is 38 hours. Meanwhile, a non-full-time employee shall work less than 38 hours.

Working Hours


In terms of typical working hours, the construction industry is known for early starts and early finishes.

  • Many construction workers start their day as early as 7:00 am and finish by 3:00 pm.

Nevertheless, the increasing demand for quick results in the industry has caused several employers to adapt to work shifts in construction. They schedule construction workers to work at night to ensure the work progress is continuous, even after their daytime counterparts finish their shifts.

However, work shifts may be limited in areas that issue ordinances or rules that determine how late can construction workers work. These ordinances or regulations protect the rights of people in residential areas who may be affected by the noise generated from construction sites.

In America, the timing of building construction is commonly limited to the period between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm. However, the specific regulations may vary depending on the ordinances of each state or city.

For example, construction is allowed in New York from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm. Any work done beyond the permitted hours must first obtain prior authorization. On the other hand, the District of Columbia prohibits any construction on Labor Day.

On the other hand, in the United Kingdom, the number of hours rendered by construction workers who work on weekends is limited. The permissible hours for general construction projects are as follows:

  • On weekdays: between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm
  • On Saturdays: between 8:00 am and 1:00 pm

However, on Sundays and federal holidays, noisy construction activities are deemed illegal.

Frequently Asked Questions


What’s the highest paid construction job?

Construction managers take the top spot when it comes to the highest paid construction job. They are generally responsible for overseeing the project, as well as leading the operations on the site.

Construction manager work hours can vary depending on the specific project needs, but most of them often work long days, including weekends, and may have to work early mornings or late evenings, depending on the needs of the project.

What time do most construction workers work? & Why?

Construction workers work early in the morning to avoid working during the hottest part of the day, and to make the most of daylight hours, especially in the winter when daylight is limited.

Is being a construction worker stressful?

This question can be subjective considering that each person has a different perception of stress. However, research shows that construction ranks third in the most-stressful industries and workers experience stress and pressure from their jobs.


There is no one answer to the question, “how many do construction workers work?”. This is because the number of hours they spend on the site is influenced by several factors and regulations.

However, regardless of the circumstances, it is important that employers prioritize the safety and well-being of their employees by complying with regulations and providing a safe working environment. By doing so, they can improve the productivity and success of their construction projects while also promoting the health and safety of their workers.

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